Comic Book Movies

Some times awesome graphic novels and comic’s get a movie incarnation, be it a huge Hollywood movie to being an awesome zero budget fan movie.

Either way we all love to see those characters spring out of the pages in comic book movies. In recent years we have seen some amazing movies based on comics from Watchmen to Iron man, we have all the latest news from around the web.

Batman 3 filming in Jodhpur, Rajasthan, India

Pictures have been making there way round the net of the Batman 3 set in India. They show a whole new angle the other Batman movies missed. Will the Dark Knight Rises introduce Lazarus Pits?

Marion Cotillard would make a great Talia Al Ghul

It’s set to be the best Comic Book Movie of all time. Batman 3 has just added Marion Cotillard to the cast as a mystery character.

Full Official Transformers 3 Trailer in HD

The first full Trailer for Transformers 3 has hit youTube with a few amazing new scenes of the moon and a shed load of Transformers.

Latest Official HD X-men First Class Trailer

Marvel Studios are pretty hot at the moment. With Thor just released and X-Men round the corner we have the latest First Class trailer in HD.

Leaked Avengers script thanks to Samuel L Jackson

Another movie script leaked on the net thanks to dishonest film crew. Samuel L Jacks script for the Avengers aka Group Hug is being auctioned off to site owners.

Cosmic Cube featured in Thor

Nice twist to the end of Thor. The easter egg after the credits features the cosmic Cube and Fury himself.

New Footage of Captain America arriving in Times Square

Steve Rogers lands in Modern Day New York city. It looks like he won’t be stuck in ice for 60 years.

Transformers Dark of the Moon Shockwave

Maybe Yahoo is still good for something. I’m not sure how Hasbro kept this under wraps for so long but I’m glad they did. The first picture of TF3 Shockwave

X-Men First Class group shot poster

A new X-Men First Class poster has shown up on Empire Magazines websites which shows off the new costumes a little more along with main cast.

Natalie Portman is in but Gwyneth Paltrow is out – Avengers Movie

Pepper Pots may have saved Iron Man’s life a few times in the movies but in the Avengers Tony Stark may be on his own. News that Jane will be included in the super hero team up but Pepper Pots is out.

Loki signed for 5 Marvel Studios Movies

Probably the best movie news of the year. Tom Hiddleston has said he has signed a five Marvel Studios Movie deal. We know Thor will be the first movie for Loki this month but the next four are open to speculation.

WonderCon Green Lantern Trailer

We have a new trailer for Green Lantern from WonderCon which is longer than the others and give us more insight into Hals origin as the Green Lantern

Full HD Captain America Trailer

With yesterdays amazing teasers from Paramount we now have the full HD Captain America trailer with a few clips of Manchester in there.

Mini Captain America Trailers

Thanks to Paramount we have a few sneak peaks at the Captain America trailer. For most people they wont be worth a watch but for those of us super comic book geeks they are an awesome teaser.

New full picture of Captain America Costume

I may very well be looking more forward to Captain America being released than any other comic book movie in production even including Batman 3. Here is another look at the full movie costume.

Daredevil Movie

It looks like we may finally get a new Daredevil movie. Be it a remake, prequel or sequel to the 2003 movie which had the awesome sound track. The new movie has 30 Days of Night director David Slade behind the camera.

Thor movie UK preview on April 25th

Awesome news for UK based Comic Book Movie fans. Thor has been given an early release date thanks to Paramount and the Easter bunny.

First clear shot of Hugo Weaving as the Red Skull

Just when you think you have seen everything there is to see from this years Captain America movie they release the first clear picture of Hugo Weaving as the Red Skull

Dark Knight Rises Batmobile Concept Art

Normally I wouldn’t be sure if this was real or fake but it seems to have popped up and been removed fairly quick from a few news site. It’s a pretty bad ass Dark Knight Rises Batmobile.

Dylan Dog Movie – Dead of Night

Brandon Routh may have his Superman days behind him but his Comic book movie career is still going strong. Dylan Dog: Dead of Night is his next movie.

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