Comic Book Movies

Some times awesome graphic novels and comic’s get a movie incarnation, be it a huge Hollywood movie to being an awesome zero budget fan movie.

Either way we all love to see those characters spring out of the pages in comic book movies. In recent years we have seen some amazing movies based on comics from Watchmen to Iron man, we have all the latest news from around the web.

Ghost Rider : Spirit of Vengeance Trailer

Next years most underrated comic book movies, Ghost Rider Spirit of Vengeance finally gets it first official trailer released.

Blade Runner Sequel

Probably the most wanted movie for the last 30 years. Ridley Scott is working on a new Blade Runner movie. So far not much has been released but it’s epicly awesome news for Sci-Fi fans.

Captain America on Cleveland Set with Skrull

The Skrulls were always going to be on the cards to be an adversary in the Avengers movie, here’s confirmation from the Cleveland set.

Dark Knight Rises Batwing

Pittsburgh has given fans a lot of spoilers for Christopher Nolans last Batman movie. This time we have the first look at the new Batwing.

Avengers Release Date

The world wide Avengers Release Dates have started to be released. Like a few movies recently you can see it first by moving to various random places in Europe.

Fan Made Concept Art for Anne Hathaway’s Catwoman

A Fan made piece of Concept Art for the Dark Knight Rises version of Catwoman has been released on the net. It’s a pretty accurate look at what Anne Hathaway could look like.

Anne Hathaway Catwoman Costume

The new comic book pin-up Anne Hathaway has just had the first pictures of her in the new Catwoman Costume released by Warner Bros. Not sure if she’s stolen the Bat-Pod or found her own Cat-Pod.

Ant Man Movie

If the Avengers movie is missing something it will be the domestic abuse Avenger Ant Man. Most well know for his fall out with the Wasp in Mark Millar’s Ultimates. Now Edgar Wright is making a stand alone picture.

Bane Pictures and Footage From TDKR Pittsburgh Set

The Dark Knight Rises continues filming in Pittsburgh on a set which has given us the first costumed Bane pictures and footage so far.

Prototype Tumblers spotted on set

It looks like Christopher Nolan may have finished filming most of the indoor parts of the Dark Knight Rises and is moving onto the car chase.

First look at Captain America’s costume in the Avengers

The WWII Captain America costume was an amazing design to help ease the character into modern cinema. Now the teaser teaser trailer is out for the Avengers we have the first look at Captain Americas modern costume.

Avengers Concept Art for The Hulk

The final piece in the Avengers line up, we have the first concept art for the Hulk which was released during SDCC.

The Wolverine

The first Wolverine Movie was accepted with mixed reactions. For one of Marvels most iconic characters it didn’t show the greater meaner side of Wolverine. The second film on the other hand could bring back that killer assassin comic fans have grown to love.

Judge Dredd Release Date

The first Official Release date has been confirmed for Judge Dredd. The new movie will be with us late 2012 with Karl Urban as the Judge.

Spiderman Release Date

We have seen the trailer now you can count down the days till The Amazing Spider-Man hits the cinema with the new list of world wide release dates.

Avengers Spoiler Trailer

It’s not an official release but a nice teaser for all the Avengers fans waiting for the first scenes of the Ultimates team together.

HD Dark Knight Rises Spoiler Trailer

Following that slightly poor quality but watchable teaser trailer for TDKR last week we now have a full HD version with that last few frames of Bane vs Batman.

Watchable Spiderman Teaser Trailer

The first Spiderman Teaser Trailer has crawled online. It’s not the clearest but well worth a watch while it’s online.

Capain America Spoilers and movie trailers

Those who have already seen the movie has said it’s the best Marvel movie so far. Going off these spoilers it’s not hard to see why.

Entertainment Weekly Spider-man Costume Pictures

Thanks to for getting another scoop on the new Spiderman movie. Here are the new pictures including the full costume, Gwen Stacy and confirmation of the Lizard.

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