Comic Book Movies

Some times awesome graphic novels and comic’s get a movie incarnation, be it a huge Hollywood movie to being an awesome zero budget fan movie.

Either way we all love to see those characters spring out of the pages in comic book movies. In recent years we have seen some amazing movies based on comics from Watchmen to Iron man, we have all the latest news from around the web.

Empire Magazine shows off live action Sentinel Prime

The first live action shot of Sentinel Prime from Transformers 3 will hit Empire magazine this month. He’s no Megan Fox but still a very lovely bot.

Second official Thor Trailer from Marvel

Take two on the Thor trailer front. The second official trailer has more Thor and a little more action than the fairly spoiler free first trailer.

Offical Spiderman promo Poster and Title

Sony has confirmed a real title for the Spider-man movie along with the second official picture of the Spider-Man costume.

X-Men First Class Trailer

The new X-Men First Class movie is easily going to take the world by storm. The first trailer has just been released and it looks pretty amazing.

First Transformers 3 TV spot Trailer

Another reason to watch the Super Bowl. The second Transformers three trailer gives away a little more about the movie.

Super Bowl Captain America Trailer

They don’t call it the Super Bowl for nothing. This years giant sporting event has also brought us the first look at the Captain America Trailer.

On set pictures of Spiderman

One thing I love about modern day comic book movies is the leaked images. It’s great to see how a rough shot of Spider-man running through a street will turn into next years blockbuster.

Bucky shows darker side in Captain America

This years Captain America movie will be totally epic. It’s a modern day comic book movie set in the 1940s. Here’s the first picture of James ‘Bucky’ Barnes with his darker side.

Green Lantern World Wide Release Dates

Arguably this years biggest comic book movie is due out in most places 17th June 2011 but the world wide release dates do vary slightly.

Superman role given to British actor Henry Cavill

Maybe the biggest comic book movie new of the year, well at least so far. British actor Henry Cavill has been given the role of Superman in the new movie

Lena Headey joins Dredd movie as Ma-Ma

The Sarah Connor Chronicles was great for two reason, one was Summer Glou the other was Lena Headley who has just joined the cast for the 2012 Dredd movie as Ma-Ma

New Spider-man on set film footage

More footage of the new Spider-Man movie being filmed. It’s been far from a closed set so far but this is the first fairly decent movie.

Green Lantern Guardians Concept Art

The first good group shot of the Guardians from the Green Lantern movie has been released thanks to an awesome T-Shirt design.

Bane Cast in Dark Knight Rises

It’s a bit of a surprise role, not because Tom Hardy has been cast but now Bane has been chalked up to be a villain in The Dark Knight Rises.

Catwoman in the Dark Knight Rises

If the rumours are true, Catwoman has been cast in the Dark Knight Rises and Anna Hathaway will be playing one of the most anticipated roles in years.

Full new Spider-Man costume

The new Spider-Man movie has gone through production so fast its almost hard to believe but it’s looking amazing with the latest on set picture.

Hector Hammond and Hal Jordan

It’s been super busy this week with new pictures of this years movies. This time we have a new shot of Hector Hammond and Hal Jordan.

X-men First Class group shot

The first X-Men First Class group shot has turned up on the net thanks to But is it legit, or just X-Men panto style.

FIRST: Captain America in classic costume

The first picture of Chris Evans as Captain America in the 1940s gear with shield has now made its way round the net thanks to Entertainment Weekly

The First Picture of Andrew Garfield as Spider-Man

The new look Darker Spider-Man has surfaced on the net with the first official picture of Andrew Garfield as the web slinger himself.

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