Comic Book Movies

Some times awesome graphic novels and comic’s get a movie incarnation, be it a huge Hollywood movie to being an awesome zero budget fan movie.

Either way we all love to see those characters spring out of the pages in comic book movies. In recent years we have seen some amazing movies based on comics from Watchmen to Iron man, we have all the latest news from around the web.

Captain America 3 Release Date

The Captain America 3 Release date has been confirmed for 2016 and will be going head to head against Batman vs Superman for an opening weekend.

Batman vs Superman release date`

One of the most wanted comic book movies of the last twenty years is going to be released in 2016. The movie currently titled Batman vs Superman is going to redefine the DC movieverse.

300: Rise of an Empire Review

With a year packed full of comic book movies in 2014 it would be easy to miss one or two. 300: Rise of an Empire isn’t one of those. It might even be better than the first.

Sin City A Dame To Kill For Trailer

The first trailer for Sin City 2 has just been released. It’s the sequel which was nine years in the making but finally got here.

G1 style Optimus Prime in Transformers 4

The latest trailer for Age of Extinction introduces the reinvented classic G1 look Optimus Prime as he in the cartoon being a flat nosed truck.

Amy Johnston’s 2014 stunt reel features Black Widow

Scarlett Johansson’s stunt double in Captain America 2 has released a 2014 stunt reel which features a few frames from the movie.

Hulk on South Africa set of Age of Ultron

This is the first picture to come from the South Africa set of Age of Ultron. It features the pre CGI Hulk or the top half at least.

Meet Rocket Racoon

This guy could be the biggest CGI character since Golum. Here’s a video and voice test for Rocket Racoon.

Full Length Guardians of the Galaxy trailer

It might be a bold statement but Guardians of the Galaxy could be the next Iron Man. It’s a bunch of characters most people aren’t familior with but it wont stop this movie being an epic success.

Age of Extinction has all 5 Dinobots

It was awesome news when Grimlock was announced in the next Transformers movie but now we have pictures of all five Dinobots. Slag, Sludge, Snarl, Grimlock and Swoop.

Movie Grimlock robot mode

We finally have a clear picture of what the movie Dinobot leader Grimlock will look like in robot mode thats to a recent toy fair.

Rebocop 2014 Review

Robocop is the latest cult classic to get a remake and compared to others it’s not too bad. It may not be for hard core classic Robocop fans but for those fans open to reinvention is an awesome movie.

Optimus Prime riding a giant Dinosaur

Ok so someone put Optimus Prime with a sword riding a giant robot T-rex in a movie. Thank that’s cool watch the whole trailer.

New Black Widow poster for Captain America 2

Captain America is due out this April and to help tease fans we have the latest poster which shows off the new look Black Widow.

First look at Transformers 4 Bumblebee robot mode

With Transformers 4 redesigning all the movie bots we finally get a look at what the latest version of Bumblebee will look like in robot mode.

First look at Future Sentinel from X-men Days of Future Past

The first picture of a Future Sentinal has been released as part of the latest Empire Magazine promotion which will feature 25 new pictures of the massive cast.

Jennifer Lawrence as Mystique from Empire Magazine

The latest issue of Empire Magazine will come with 25 covers featuring characters from Days of Future Past. This one is the first hi res picture of the new look Mystique.

Michael Douglas is Ant-man

The latest casting news for the Ant-Man movie is that Michael Douglas has been cast as Hank Pym the original Ant-man.

Professor X can walk in Days of Future Past

This is the first picture of Evan Peters as Quicksilver from Days of Future Past and it’s also worth noticing that Professor X can walk in Days of Future Past.

2027 Consumer Electronics Show Robocop presentation

This is the latest viral for robotcop has just been released as a presentaion for Omnicorp at the 2027 Consumer Electronics Show. It doesn’t give away any new movie footage but does help set the scene for the movie.

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