Comic Book Movies

Some times awesome graphic novels and comic’s get a movie incarnation, be it a huge Hollywood movie to being an awesome zero budget fan movie.

Either way we all love to see those characters spring out of the pages in comic book movies. In recent years we have seen some amazing movies based on comics from Watchmen to Iron man, we have all the latest news from around the web.

Guardians of the Galaxy UK Extended Trailer

This is the latest Guardians of the Galaxy trailer. It was released in the UK and has previously unseen footage explaining a bit more of what the movie is about.

Jason Momoa cast as Aquaman

The Justice League is almost complete with the latest news of Jason Momoa being cast as Aquaman in the upcoming Batman vs Superman movie.

Sin City: A Dame to Kill For – second trailer

This is going to be the dark horse of comic book movies in 2014. The latest trailer for Sin City 2 looks amazing as it brings back the cast ten years on from the original.

Peyton Reed signs up to direct Ant Man

Marvels up coming Ant-man movie now has a new director as Peyton Reed has signed up to take over the new script as Edgar Wright walked away from the project.

Josh Brolin cast as the voice of Thanos

News that Thanos the Mad Titan has been cast in the Marvel movies looks to be confirmed as Josh Brolin. Although it looks like Josh will only be the voice to another CGI character.

X-men Days of Future Past Review

A review from someone who has grown up watching both the X-Men cartoons and the subsequent films, (I even collected the hologram cards as a kid)I was again excited for the newest addition to the franchise.

Batman vs Superman: Dawn of Justice

The upcoming 2015 Batman vs Superman movie has just been given a working title as Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice. It’s going to introduce the Justice League the movies.

Guardians of the Galaxy trailer #2

This is the first full length trailer for Guardians of the Galaxy featuring Rocket Racoons voice and a whole load of previously unseen footage.

Heidi Moneymaker stunt reel 2014

This is the 2014 stunt reel from Scarlett Johanssons stunt double Heidi Moneymaker. She was the one responsible for making Blackwidow really come to life on screen.

Godzilla 2014 Review

It’s not a remake it’s just another Godzilla movie. Way surpassing the 1998 Hollywood incarnation this one gives us the monster battles we’ve needed and a great back story to the King of Monsters.

First look at Batfleck costume

This is the first image of the new look Batfleck costume and Batmobile which has come from director Zack Snyder. It looks like it could actually be better than the Nolan incarnation.

The Wolverine 3 confirmed for 2017

Hugh Jackman has confirmed he is working on another Wolverine movie with director James Mangold. The film is currently set for a 2017 release date.

Power Rangers movie

It’s been on the cards for 20 years and a Might Morphing Power Rangers big budget movie may finally be in production.

Batman vs Superman casts its Cyborg

WB has cast stage actor Ray Fisher to be Cyborg in the upcoming Batman vs Superman movie. As earlier predicted it’s turning into a Justice League movie.

Amazing Spider-man 2 review

A review of The Amazing Spider-man 2. The best thing to come from Sony since the first Play Station.

Loki Standup cardboard cut out released

One of the most in demand items of merchendice from the Avengers movie was the standups of all the team. Loki was originally missed out but has finally got a release as part of Thor Dark World.

Captain America 2 Review

This is easily the best Marvel Studios movie ever made. Captain America 2 The Winter Soldier shows us Steve Rogers has a lot of story still to be told. Adding some realisum to the Marvel universe showing us now all super heroes are bullet proof.

TMNT Trailer released in HD

The first trailer for Michael Bays reboot of Teenage mutant ninja turtles has been released and although it’s short it does look pretty good.

X-men Days of Future Past Full latest trailer

The latest trailer for X-men Days of Future Past has just been released with a whole load of previously unseen footage.

Early Avengers 2 Concept Art

In an unexpected move Marvel have released some early concept art for Avengers 2. It feaures Scarlet Witch, Quicksilver and the Hulk Buster Armor.

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