Comic Book Movies

Some times awesome graphic novels and comic’s get a movie incarnation, be it a huge Hollywood movie to being an awesome zero budget fan movie.

Either way we all love to see those characters spring out of the pages in comic book movies. In recent years we have seen some amazing movies based on comics from Watchmen to Iron man, we have all the latest news from around the web.

Guardians of the Galaxy team picture

James Gunn has Tweeted the first picture of the Guardians of the Galaxy team in costume. The movie trailer hasn’t shown up yet and the movie is out late 2014 so expect a lot more updates soon.

Dwayne Johnson in talks to join Batman vs Superman

With the movie already a few weeks into filming we have new news Dwayne Johnson is in talks to pay someone in the new Batman Vs Superman movie.

Is Denzel Washington playing Cyborg

Denzel Washington is rumored to be attached to the Justice League movie. The remaining roles are Green Lantern, Cyborg and Lex Lurthor but which would it be?

Rogue cut from X-men Days of Future Past

Bryan Singer has done one of his legendary edits and cut Anna Paquin’s Rogue from X-men Days of Future Past.

Paul Rudd cast as Ant-Man

The latest Marvel movie news is we finally have an Ant-Man as Paul Rudd is cast for the 2015 movie and the following Avengers movie.

Sinister Six Movie

Sony have announced not only Amazing Spiderman 4 but a Venom based movie and a Sinister Six project which might not feature Spider-man himself.

Amazing Spider-man 4 : Venom coming 2016

It looks like we will get an Amazing Spider-man 4 in 2016 which will focus on Venom and is currently set to be written by Alex Kurtzman

Godzilla 2014 release date

The latest Godzilla movie will be released early 2014 and here is a list of its world wide release dates.

Godzilla movie news

News on Godzilla movies from all over the world. The king of monsters has destroyed many cities since his first movie in 1954 and probably saved the world a few times to even it out.

X-men Apocalypse coming 2016

With X-Men Days of Future past nearing its release the next X-men movie is already planned for a 2016 release and will feature mega villain Apocalypse.

Amazing Spider-man 2 trailer

Sony have just released the first teaser trailer for the 2014 Amazing Spider-man sequel. It’s a pretty action packed trailer with some questionable CGI but some awesome reinvented villains.

Gal Gadot cast as Wonder Woman

The Batman vs Superman film has just had an unexpected casting as Gal Gadot joins to play Amazon princess Wonder Woman

Transformers 4 Dinobot Paulie/Swoop toy picture

This is the first look at one of the new Transformers 4 Dinobots which lets us know they have more than just Grimlock. This one called Paulie in the picture is a prototype and will likley take over from Swoop in the movie.

John F Kennedy killed by Magnito in latest viral for X-Men

The latest viral for X-Men Days of Future Past is a micro site about Magnito assasinating John F Kennedy. It’s got mixed views by fans due to it being close the anniversary of the JFKs death.

First picture of Transformers 4 Optimus Prime in Empire

Empire Magazine has the first picture of the new look Transformers 4 Optimus Prime. It’s a big improvement on the toy we saw a few weeks ago but how will it size up to previous Prime incarnations.

Avengers 2 Age of Ultron Release Date

The Avengers sequel is set for a release in most places May 1st 2015. The movie titled Age of Ultron will reunite the Avengers for a movie which will be epic action from start to finish.

X-Men Days of Future Past Release Date

The official release dates of X-Men Days of Future Past which comes out in 2014. The movie will open doors to many more X-men movies.

Thor 2 : The Dark World Review

Thor 2: The Dark World breaks the rules of sequels by surpassing it’s predecessor and being an all round awesome movie.

Has Jaimie Alexander been cast as the Justice League Wonder Woman

The Batman Vs Superman movie has already began filming and the Justice League needs a Wonder Woman. Could Thor’s Jaimie Alexander have finally been cast after years or rumors.

Days of Future Past Trailer

The official trailer for X-men Days of Future Past has been released for those who missed it at comic con. The movie looks amazing going off the cast and costumes. We haven’t had a comic book movie which didn’t rely on special effects.

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