Comic Book Movies

Some times awesome graphic novels and comic’s get a movie incarnation, be it a huge Hollywood movie to being an awesome zero budget fan movie.

Either way we all love to see those characters spring out of the pages in comic book movies. In recent years we have seen some amazing movies based on comics from Watchmen to Iron man, we have all the latest news from around the web.

Suicide Squad movie review

Written and directed by David Ayer the Suicide Squad are a team of super villains tasked to save the world. Starring MArgot Robbie as Harley Quinn and Will Smith as Deadshot.

Was Darkseid’s uncle in the Suicide Squad trailer

We see that same metallic alien demon from the end of BvS ultimate edition in the footage from Suicide Squad, could this film lead into the Justice League more than Batman Vs Superman did?

Suicide Squad comic con remix – best trailer yet

The latest teaser trailer for Suicide Squad teases just enough without giving too much away. It could come out on top of the 2016 comic book movies.

First look at some epic Justice League footage

A video of the first Justice League Footage from SDCC shows just how awesome this DC movie will be.

SDCC Wonder Woman trailer

The first trailer for Wonder Woman released at SDCC showing off Gal Gadot as the perfect female lead for this game changing movie

Did WB kill off a movie DC character in favour of the TV version

Did WB kill off a movie character in favour of the TV incarnation for the first time.

Was that Brainiac at the end of the BvS Ultimate edition

Batman vs Superman Ultimate edition shows us a deleted scene featuring a demonic looking alien talking with Lex Luthor

The Order Movie teaser trailers

A few teaser trailers from The Order Movie a crowd funded project working as an unofficial Power Rangers reunion

The Order Movie

The Order Movie pulls together some of the greatest Power Rangers cast in an epic reunion where they have traded in their Zords, morphers and stunt doubles to bring the fans a martial arts movie which looks amazing.

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice Ultimate Edition details

Batman vs Superman the Ultimate edition comes with an awesome 3 hour cut of the movie along with 2 hours of special features. This brings us closer to the release of the movie it was planned to be instead of what it was cut down to in the cinematic release.

Michael Bay shows off latest Bumblebee upgrade

Michael Bay shows off the new look custom Camaro which will be used for Bumblebee which is to be used in Transformers The Last Knight

Donald Trump lied about Jedi endorsement

Mark Hamill striked back on Twitter against a false endorsement for none other than the closest thing we have to a Sith lord Donald Trump

Sam Raimi’s Spider-man 4 would have featured Mysterio and The Vulture

Concept artist Jeffrey Henderson has released some previously unseen artwork for what would have been Sam Raimi’s Spider-man 4. It features both Mysterio and The Vulture

X-Men: Apocalypse review

A review of X-men Apocalypse probably the best comic book movie of 2016. Bryan Singer has been making these movies so long he makes it look easy.

Power Ranger 2017 costumes

The first look at the heavily CGI Power Rangers costumes from the 2017 reboot of the legendary 90s TV show

Top unanswered questions from Civil War

Spoiler warning, a run down of some questions we now have following Captain America Civil War. The Marvel Studios Universe just got a whole lot bigger

Captain America : Civil War Review

A review of Captain America 3 : Civil War along with spoilers and all the need to know information.

Final X-Men: Apocalypse trailer

The final HD trailer for X-Men Apocalypse has been released. Beware it shows off some amazing scenes from the movie along with a lot of the story.

Has Willem Dafoe been cast as the Joker?

Willem Dafoe has been cast in the Justice League movies. Will he tie together a lot of fan theories and be the first Joker.

First picture of Rita Repulsa from the Power Rangers reboot

The first picture of Elizabeth Banks as Rita Repulsa has excited some Power Ranger fans and offended others.

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