Super Bowl Captain America Trailer

Well it’s probably one of the most anticipated trailers since Star Wars episode 1. Thanks to the 2011 Super Bowl we now have a be it grainy Trailer for Captain America fresh off the press.

The air time during the Super Bowl is in the price range of about 3million for a minutes air time so it’s a fairly short but very very sweet trailer for the First Avengers movie.

If you want to know how long you have to wait for the full more take a look at the Global Release Dates. The general being 22nd July but a lucky few will get a July 21st release date.

I’m guessing if you hit this page you’re here for the trailer and there is a tiny chance you may be reading this far so here we go.

Movie TrailersMovies Blog

Posted by Adi Mursec on February 7, 2011


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