Marvel and DC have got some amazing movies in the works but in twenty years time Dredd could be the only one to make real cult status as sci-fi epic. It’s been sold as Blade runner meets Die Hard and if all goes to plan it could make the Dredd movie almost too good.
The latest news on the movie is that Lena Headey will be joining the cast. Lena has made a name as a sci-fi chick when she played a young Sarah Connor in the Terminator TV series. With a career mainly in TV she has landed a role as the main villain in the 2012 Judge Dredd movie as a gang leader Ma-Ma.
In the leaked movie script Ma-Ma is often followed by her five body guards.
Looking out fo the window is a woman. She could be in her late fifties or early sixties, but a diagonal stripe scar that disfigures her cheek and top lip, and heavey make-up, make her precise age hard to place.
This is MA-MA.
Lena will be joining Karl Urban (Bones from recent star Trek) as Judge Dredd and Olivia Thirlby (Juno) who will be playing Judge Anderson.
Posted by Adi Mursec on January 30, 2011
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