Kick Ass Volume 2 : Balls to the wall

Although the Kick-Ass wasn’t everybody’s comic of the year it defiantly didn’t disappoint, I haven’t heard a bad review of the series and the movie was pretty awesome too.

The June Previews mag says Kick-Ass volume two will be called “Balls to the wall” and likely to be an eight issue series.

Issue one has already been finished and previewed to a select from of Millar’s closest fans, but for the rest of us it will be released in August at the current price of all of Mark Miller‘s indie issues at $2.99.

Although Millar’s recent work on Nemesis has had me a bit torn I’m still looking forward to Kick-Ass 2: balls to the wall. Now everyone knows the main characters it opens so many more doors for the next eight issue run.

After the initial feedback on the first issue of Balls to the wall Millar is back to writing and even considering opening up the doors to including a super hero dog, well why not.

Mark Millar

Back to writing the Kick-ass 2 comic today. Is it wrong to have a dog in a mask?

I honestly think Kick-Ass volume 2 could really break comic sales records, the graphic novel is still number one in the charts and Nemesis has sold out already in most comic book stores. Combining a hugely popular comic along with an awesome movie franchise and Kick-Ass volume 2 could be set to sell more copies than the bible.

Posted by Adi Mursec on June 16, 2010

More Kick Ass Volume 2 : Balls to the wall News

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