Best places to by Cheap Comics and Graphic Novels On-line

Supporting the local comic book shop is great and I’ll buy as much from them as possible. But sometimes buying on-line has its advantages, its often cheaper, you get a massive selection and you also get to stay at home and watch cartoons instead of squeezing past people at the local comic shop.

Top places to buy cheap comics and graphic novels on-line.

#1 – Winner. Book Depository – easily the best
Shop on Book Depository #1

book depository
One of the most unlikely sites I have found but it is definitely worth a look. Book Depository’s Graphic Novels, Anime & Manga section has a totally huge selection of graphic novels and manga. They also have constant sales on them with some as much as 50% off on some popular books. Along with free world wide delivery and prices in different currency’s Book Depository is by far one of the best sources online.

#2 – Amazon

amazon logo
Comics on

Comics on

Amazon could have easily been #no1 in the list but due to it being an open market place it’s not always guaranteed quality. Although you can pretty much be guaranteed the best selection of OOP Graphic Novels which has helped me fill in a few holes in my collection over the years.

#3 –
This is the only Graphic Novel Price Comparison Site on the net. It’s a great way to search for the best price for a graphic novel from a few of the top online retailers including Amazon, Ebay and Book Depository.

#4 – TPBs and comics on eBay

ebay logo
Some people hate eBay and some love it. For the comic collector it’s a must use resource for finding hard to get or just comics and graphic novels at the lowest prices. It would have appeared higher in the awards but it can be hard to find some items with the way people add listings. Although if you don’t mind searching you can easily find some awesomely cheap comics which get listed wrongly.

#5 – Forbidden
Old time favourite and probably one of the first places you will look for online comics. FP have a great selection of Graphic novels and toys on-line at a price which will be a bit cheaper than the high-street store. They also do super fast delivery unlike the others and normally deliver within the week. The only problem I have ever had with is the selection and search on the site which can be a bit of a let down for the site.

We always support local comic shops but they can’t stock everything. Thank to online shops like there you can buy just about any graphic novel you need to complete your collection.

Posted by Adi Mursec on December 27, 2009


DiverCity Gundam Front – Tokyo

DiverCity is an iconic shopping centre in Tokyo which features the worlds only 1:1 Gundam statue

Dublin City Comics

Dublin City Comics is an amazing comic and toy shop located in the centre of Dublin which stocks everything from Transformers to Hot Toys an Gundam kits

Deadhead Comics – Edinburgh

Deadhead comics, a must visit shop for any comic fans, they have a great selection of back issues and rare graphic novels

Cosmic Man – Manga and Anime shop in Barcelona Spain

Cosmic Man, a shop based in Barcelona which specialises in Anime and Manga merchandise from Dragon Ball Z to Mazinger

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