With Star Wars being given green light on episodes 7, 8 and 9 it left fans us knowing we would get another trillogy but it left the question just when.
Most recent trillogies have been shot close together to keep the audience interested and released movies 12 months apart. If thiis leaked Toys R Us toy release schedule is correct they will actually be released two years apart starting in Episode 7 in 2015 with one to follow in 2017 and the last coming 2019.
This leaves us wondering what Disney will be doing to fill the gaps between films. It looks like they may want also be releasing more animated cartoon series to fill in the massive gap between episode 6 and 7.
Overall it’s great news for Star Wars fans as we know they wont be rushed and each movie will be a suprise. Although Mark Hamill and Carrie Fisher will be back it may not be likley they will be around for all three movies.
Posted by Adi Mursec on August 28, 2013
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