Emma Stone signed for a few Spider-Man movies

When Sony announced a Spider-Man sequel they gave a press release which was totally unexpected. Spider-Man was getting a reboot and going for a slightly different angle.

Spider-Man was going back to school and Mary Jane was no longer the love interest. Marc Webb is taking the movie franchise back to its comic roots and re introducing Gwen Stacy played by Emma Stone (Zombie Land).

For those unfamiliar with Gwen a quick Wikipedia search would tell you she was doomed leaving fans a spoiler.

Recently in an interview with Jay Leno Emma Stone said:

There’s a few Spider-men, so I may have to keep it for a couple of years,

Awesome news for the fans for so many reasons.

Posted by Adi Mursec on December 24, 2010


Spider-man No Way Home Review

Spider-man No Way Home could be the perfect comic book movie and almost impossible to top. Here’s a spoiler full review.

Spider-man no way home trailer screenshots

The second trailer for Spider-man No Way Home has been released a month before the movie finally hits the big screen. It confirms a few rumors and opens does to a whole load of new ones.

Leaked concept art for Tobey Maguire and Andrew Garfield Spider-man costumes

The photo shows Tobey Maguire in an updated Spider-man costume looking like a Spider-man that’s seen a little more war. Andrew Garfield have a whole new costume which has a similar look to his old one. 

Tobey Maguire and Andrew Garfield on the Spider-man No Way Home set

We’ve seen a few grainy videos show up online via various social media outlets. The videos seem to confirm that both Andrew Garfield and Tobey Maguire are in the movie

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