It’s one of Marvels most overdue movies but we’re finally getting a Black Widow movie going back to her roots. The movie will star Scarlett Johansson and David Harbour will join her as The Red Guardian the Russian answer to Captain America.
From what happened with Black Widow in Endgame it’s safe to assume this will be a prequel to go over her origin, if it’s going to be the first in a new trilogy we don’t know but it could be on the cards.
At birth Black Widow (aka Natasha Romanova) is given to the KGB, which teaches her to become its ultimate operative. When the U.S.S.R. breaks up, the government tries to kill her as the action moves to present-day New York, where she is a freelance operative. The standalone film will find Romanoff living in the United States 15 years after the fall of the Soviet Union.
Posted by Adi Mursec on July 23, 2019
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