The Flash TV series has taken off with a running start thanks to some amazing writing and keeping the story close enough to the comics to keeps old school fans happy but far enough away to keep a few surprises well hidden.
One of the biggest secrets has been who was the Yellow Flash. We first saw him on the scene when Barry’s mum was killed and has since caused a bit of trouble in present day.
We can see a lot of time travelling going on with Dr. Harrison Wells’s news paper from the future and the fact both Flash’s were on the scene when Barry’s mum was killed. This tells us the Yellow Flash is likely time travelling and could by anyone.
At the TCA (Television Critics Association) press tour Tom Cavanagh said definitively that he was a Yellow Flash.
“Yes, I am Reverse-Flash”
But it doesn’t seem as simple as that.
We know Eddie Thawne’s (Rick Cosnett) has a big part in it all. In the comics Eobard Thawne was a reverse Flash too. Could Eddie just be a more TV friendly version of Eobard. Maybe Eddie is Eobards father or some other way related. Either way when Yellow Flash attacks S.T.A.R. Labs in the TV series he leaves Eddie as the only surviving member of his swat team.
The evidence is all pointing to there being two or even more Reverse/Yellow Flash.
At the same conference Flash Producer Andrew Kreisberg said
“Eddie has a strong connection to the Reverse-Flash,”
“I don’t want to spoil anything, but you’re going to start to get the gist of it pretty early on. In episode 15, you get a pretty big clue”
Whatever happens it looks like it will all come together in the second half of this season.
If Dr Wells does turn out to be a Yellow Flash will he be evil or just trying to produce a Flash suit. If he is evil where will that leave S.T.A.R. Labs which has the potential to play a huge part in the TV DC Universe.
For those wanting to get ahead on the TV show and see what we might have to look forward to check out Justice League: The Flashpoint Paradox. It’s one of the best DC animated movies and out on DVD now. It follows one of the biggest Flash comic series from a few years ago and features Professor Zoom and time travel.
Posted by Adi Mursec on January 12, 2015
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