Son of the Hulk video

Son of the Hulk is an awesome short spoof movie made by Rat Pageant.

Rat Pageant is the brain child of Sean Kearney and Mark Saul (Grey’s Anatomy, The Social Network, Nickelodeon’s All That).

It’s no Joss Whedon Avengers but it’s a pretty well made short.

Posted by Adi Mursec on November 23, 2010


Nemesis Rogues Gallery #1 review

Due for release 24th July 2024 Nemesis Rogues Gallery brings back one of Mark Millars most controversial creator-owned characters. 

The Magic Order 3 #1 Review

Mark Miller returns with the Magic Order volume 3 issue 1 and he’s joined by the award-winning artist Gigi Cavenago

Comic legend Tim Sale passes away at 66

It’s sad news to report that Tim Sale a true legendary comic artist has passed away from a sudden and very serious illness.

Frank Miller Presents

Frank Miller is setting up his own publishing company which will bring back a few of the artist’s older series including a prequel to Sin City.

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