Halle Berry as Storm from Days of Future Past

The first picture of Halle Berry who will be back to play Storm in X-Men Days of Future Past has just been released via scocial media channels at Marvel.

The costume looks a lot more raw and darker than the ones we have seen in previous movies which may indicate this is the future Storm. As long as she’s not going to be back as Cat Woman it’s all good.

Posted by Adi Mursec on April 22, 2013


X-Men: Apocalypse review

A review of X-men Apocalypse probably the best comic book movie of 2016. Bryan Singer has been making these movies so long he makes it look easy.

Final X-Men: Apocalypse trailer

The final HD trailer for X-Men Apocalypse has been released. Beware it shows off some amazing scenes from the movie along with a lot of the story.

X-Men Apocalypse Trailer

The first full trailer for Bryan Singers X-Men Apocalypse, the first in the time travel rebooted X-men universe

Picture of Jubilee In X-Men Apocalypse

The first picture of Lana Condor as Jubilee in the 2016 X-Men Apocalypse movie has surfaced online and the costume looks just like the comics

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