Akira movie concept art

Akira is always going to be one of the greatest comics ever made. If you have only seen the Anime you are missing out on about 95% of the story. A western version has been in the works for over a decade but has recently started to get off the ground with writer Jonathan Nolan working on a script.

At the moment it isn’t know if the new film will be based on the Manga or Anime, hopfully it will be a whole new take on the story and a slightly less bridged version of the manga.

Either way here is the first leaked concept art from the movie. It’s a picture of Kaneda looking over a disaster scene which could be one of many from the manga.

The artwork comes from a Warner Bross concept artist called Jonas De Ro.

Posted by Adi Mursec on May 27, 2013


Akira concept art featuring Kanedas bike

Another piece of concept art from the live action Akira movie this time featuring Kanedas bike thanks to Warner Bross concept artist called Jonas De Ro.

Jonathan Nolan writing Akira Script

The Japanese Manga epic Akira is still having trouble getting started. Like any comic book movie in crisis it’s the Nolans to the rescue. Enter Jonathan Nolan to pen the latest script.

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