Zazie Beetz cast as Domino in Deadpool 2

When the world is wondering if they will confirm Pierce Brosnan will be playing Cable in Deadpool 2 we forgot to speculate who else might show up in the sequel.

The first movie was a smash hit surprise and nobody could have guessed it would be so popular. Now it’s one of Fox’s top movie franchises and could have an open door to open any Mutant in the Marvel universe, I wouldn’t be expected if we see Rogue show up one in one of the DP movies.

The latest casting news comes a Domino joins the movie lineup. In a very cryptic Tweet from Ryan Reynolds we found out not only that the character would appear in the movie but also “Atlanta” actress Zazie Beets would be playing her.

It’s likely Domino will be joining Cable to help hunt down a villain or possibly even Deadpool with similar team dynamics that Colossus and Negasonic Teenage Warhead although I really hope Brianna Hildebrand returns to play Negasonic in the new movie, she was one of the coolest X-men we’ve seen in a long time and Fox would be crazy not to use her again in the movies.


Posted by Adi Mursec on March 9, 2017


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