The aftermath of Free Comic Book Day continues…
Dark Horse has Emily the Strange volume 3 out this week. I’ve not ready any Emily the strange yet but my niece loves it and with a film in the works it’s a good tie to jump on as it’s only going to get bigger.
Dc has gone one out for all the gamers this week with the start of Arkham City. The first game was unmissable and I image the second will be one of the most epic games ever. I just wish they would release it on the Wii.
IDW are jumping on the $1 comic line with 30 Days Of Night #1. See how it all started for $1.
One must buy comic from Image will be this months Elephantmen #31. The series has been selling out on the first day of print for my local comic shops and it’s well worth setting up that standing order to make sure you geta copy of one of the most epic sci-fi comic series ever.
Posted by Adi Mursec on May 7, 2011
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