Another great week for comic releases. As far as DC comics goes I think the one to watch will be Masters Of The Universe Origin Of He Man #1 I think with the success of the new Thundercats someone has to re do the He-man cartoon and the recent DC comics He-man releases would be perfect for them to base it on.
On the other hand I really wish DC comics would go back to finish off All Star Batman and Robin with Frank Miller and Jim Lee, it an amazing series and only had maybe six issues to finish it off. Instead they are still trying to push Before Watchmen which seems to go on and on and on.
Marvel have the unmissable Superior Spider-man #2 which when the series was first announced I wasn’t too interested in but the first issue was epic and eventful which is how all comic should be.
Posted by Adi Mursec on January 22, 2013
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