For the first time this months must buy is Previews #274. It’s the September comic listing which will feature the full DC comics line up. OMG I can’t wait for September but it will either make or break DC. If the writers cant hold the continuum after this I don’t know what they will do. Maybe another Crisis.
Running up to the game Arkham City issue #3 is out this week. I’m not sure where this series is going but the fact that it’s going there I respect that.
Boom Comics is closing it’s epic comicisation of Do Androids Dream Of Electric Sheep. I’m hoping they will make it a two massive TPB collection but if they don’t I’m prepared to track down all the single issues. It was a real epic venture by an indie publisher and I hope they keep up the high quality of the comics they produce.
Posted by Adi Mursec on June 26, 2011
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