Out of 10 I’d give this week an 8 for awesome comics. Image comics have a new issue of Marineman which I haven’t kept up with but is apparently an amazing read from Ian Churchill.
Image have also got Elephantmen #32 out this month which is always the highlight of the month for me. It’s the series which just keeps getting better and better for the sci-fi geek. If you still haven’t read any Elephantmen I’d defiantly start we are beginning volume 5 at the moment and it’s bloody amazing.
Building up to the biggest death of the century we have Mark Millar’s Ultimate Avengers Vs New Ultimates #5. Not far off now till we see what manages to finish off Spider-man. I have a feeling it will be Doc Oc or a giant fly of some sort but only time will tell.
Posted by Adi Mursec on June 13, 2011
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