This weeks star purchase for me has to be Robotech #1. It’s published by Titan Comics so it may be a hard to to get hold of but looks well worth it.
Harmony Gold’s cult ’80s television series Robotech returns or all-new adventures! Comic written by Brian Wood (DMZ, Briggs Land, Northlanders) and illustrated by Marco turini!
Btvs Season 11 (TPB) Vol 01 Spread Of Evil | $19.99 |
Conan Omnibus (TPB) Vol 03 Ancient Gods And Sorcerers | $24.99 |
Dota 2 Comic Collection Hc | $24.99 |
Game Of Thrones Magnetic Book Mark Set 3 | $6.99 |
Halo Unsc Vulture Ship Replica Ltd Ed | $49.99 |
Jerry & Joker Adventures & Comic Art Hc | $34.99 |
Lobster Johnson Mangekyo One Shot | $3.99 |
Mass Effect Andromeda Tempest Ship Replica | $39.99 |
Mass Effect Andromeda Tempest Ship Replica Silver Ltd Ed | $49.99 |
Matt Wagner Grendel Tales Omnibus (TPB) Vol 01 | $24.99 |
Predator Hunters #4 | $3.99 |
Predator Hunters #4 Velasco Var | $3.99 |
Bane Conquest #4 (of 12) | $3.99 |
Batman #28 | $2.99 |
Batman #28 Var Ed | $2.99 |
Batman Elmer Fudd Special #1 2nd Ptg | $4.99 |
Cyborg #15 | $3.99 |
Cyborg #15 Var Ed | $3.99 |
DC Comics Bombshells #32 | $3.99 |
DC Cover Girls Zatanna Statue | $100.00 |
Deathstroke #22 | $3.99 |
Deathstroke #22 Var Ed | $3.99 |
Everafter From The Pages Of Fables #12 (Mature) | $3.99 |
Green Arrow #28 | $2.99 |
Green Arrow #28 Var Ed | $2.99 |
Green Arrow (TPB) Vol 03 Emerald Outlaw (rebirth) | $16.99 |
Green Lanterns #28 | $2.99 |
Green Lanterns #28 Var Ed | $2.99 |
Harleys Little Black Book Hc | $29.99 |
Injustice 2 #7 | $2.99 |
Justice League #26 | $2.99 |
Justice League #26 Var Ed | $2.99 |
Legion Of Super Heroes Silver Age Omnibus (Hard Back) Vol 01 | $75.00 |
New Gods Special #1 | $4.99 |
Newsboy Legion By Simon And Kirby (Hard Back) Vol 02 | $49.99 |
Nightwing #26 | $2.99 |
Nightwing #26 Var Ed | $2.99 |
Savage Things #6 (of 8) (Mature) | $3.99 |
Shade The Changing Girl #11 (Mature) | $3.99 |
Shade The Changing Girl #11 Var Ed (Mature) | $3.99 |
Superman #28 | $2.99 |
Superman #28 Var Ed | $2.99 |
Superman (TPB) Vol 03 Multiplicity (rebirth) | $16.99 |
Unfollow (TPB) Vol 03 Turn It Off (Mature) | $16.99 |
Amazing Spider-man Ult Newspaper Comics (Hard Back) Vol 04 1983-1984 | $49.99 |
Archangel #5 (of 5) | $3.99 |
Archangel #5 (of 5) Subscription Var A | $3.99 |
Archangel #5 (of 5) Subscription Var B | $3.99 |
Cinegeek Hc | $14.99 |
Gi Joe A Real American Hero #242 Cvr A Gallant | $3.99 |
Gi Joe A Real American Hero #242 Cvr B Royle | $3.99 |
Hasbro Heroes Sourcebook #2 (of 3) | $4.99 |
Hasbro Heroes Sourcebook #2 (of 3) Subscription Var | $4.99 |
Jack Kirby Fantastic Four Worlds Greatest Artist Ed Hc | $150.00 |
Revolutionaries (TPB) Vol 01 Crisis Intervention | $17.99 |
Skylanders Spyro & Friends Quarterly Full Blast Cvr A Baldeo | $4.99 |
Skylanders Spyro & Friends Quarterly Full Blast Cvr B Lawren | $4.99 |
Star Trek New Visions All The Ages Frozen | $7.99 |
Star Trek Waypoint #6 Cvr A Hardman | $3.99 |
Star Trek Waypoint #6 Cvr B Whalen | $3.99 |
Surfside Girls Gn Vol 01 Secret Of Danger Point | $19.99 |
Tmnt Dimension X #1 Cvr A Pitarra | $3.99 |
Tmnt Dimension X #1 Cvr B Tunica | $3.99 |
Tmnt Ongoing #73 Cvr A Smith | $3.99 |
Tmnt Ongoing #73 Cvr B Eastman | $3.99 |
X-files Origins Ii Dog Days Of Summer #2 (of 4) Cvr A | $3.99 |
X-files Origins Ii Dog Days Of Summer #2 (of 4) Cvr B | $3.99 |
East Of West #34 | $3.99 |
Elsewhere #1 Cvr A Kesgin & Riley | $3.99 |
Elsewhere #1 Cvr B Robinson | $3.99 |
Extremity #6 | $3.99 |
Ghost Station Zero #1 (of 4) Cvr A Chankhamma | $3.99 |
Ghost Station Zero #1 (of 4) Cvr B Cloonan | $3.99 |
God Country (TPB) (Mature) | $16.99 |
Hadrians Wall #8 (of 8) (Mature) | $3.99 |
Injection #14 Cvr A Shalvey & Bellaire (Mature) | $3.99 |
Injection #14 Cvr B Shalvey & Bellaire (Mature) | $3.99 |
Paper Girls (TPB) Vol 03 | $12.99 |
Reborn (Hard Back) (Mature) | $24.99 |
Rocket Girl #8 | $3.99 |
Samaritan Veritas #3 | $3.99 |
Samaritan Veritas #3 Cvr B Images Of Tomorrow Var | $3.99 |
Seven To Eternity #8 Cvr A Opena & Hollingsworth | $3.99 |
Seven To Eternity #8 Cvr B Harren & Hollingsworth | $3.99 |
Sex Criminals #20 (Mature) | $3.99 |
Sex Criminals #20 Xxx Joe Quinones Var (Mature) | $4.69 |
Stray Bullets Sunshine & Roses #26 (Mature) | $3.99 |
Walking Dead #170 (Mature) | $2.99 |
All New All Different Avengers (Hard Back) Vol 01 (res) | $34.99 |
All New Guardians Of Galaxy #7 | $3.99 |
Avengers #10 Se | $3.99 |
Black Bolt #4 | $3.99 |
Black Panther (Hard Back) Vol 01 A Nation Under Our Feet | $34.99 |
Captain America Steve Rogers (TPB) Vol 03 Empire Building | $19.99 |
Champions #11 Se | $3.99 |
Color Your Own Marvel Masters Tp | $9.99 |
Generations Banner Hulk & Totally Awesome Hulk #1 | $4.99 |
Generations Banner Hulk & Totally Awesome Hulk #1 Keown Var | $4.99 |
Hawkeye #9 | $3.99 |
Iron Fist #6 | $3.99 |
Jessica Jones #11 | $3.99 |
Jessica Jones #11 Mature Oz Var | $3.99 |
Lockjaw Dog Days Tp | $7.99 |
Loki Journey Into Mystery By Kieron Gillen Omnibus Hc | $100.00 |
Marvel Universe Avengers Ultron Revolution #12 | $2.99 |
Marvel Universe By Chris Claremont Hc | $125.00 |
Marvels Thor Ragnarok Prelude #3 (of 4) | $3.99 |
Mmw Savage She-hulk (Hard Back) Vol 01 | $75.00 |
Mmw Savage She-hulk (Hard Back) Vol 01 Dm Var Ed 246 | $75.00 |
Monsters (Hard Back) Vol 02 Marvel Monsterbus By Lee Lieber Kirby | $100.00 |
Nick Fury #5 | $3.99 |
Spider-man #19 | $3.99 |
Spider-man Deadpool #20 | $3.99 |
Star Wars Darth Vader #4 | $3.99 |
Star Wars Rogue One Adaptation #5 (of 6) | $3.99 |
Thor Epic Collection (TPB) In Mortal Flesh | $39.99 |
True Believers Kirby 100th Black Panther #1 | $1.00 |
True Believers Kirby 100th Captain America Lives Again #1 | $1.00 |
Unstoppable Wasp #8 | $3.99 |
Vision Directors Cut #3 (of 6) | $6.99 |
X-Men Gold #9 | $3.99 |
(use May179024) Robotech #1 Blue Line Sketch Var | $3.99 |
(use May179024) Robotech #1 Cvr A Lau | $3.99 |
(use May179024) Robotech #1 Cvr C Shedd Action Figure Var | $3.99 |
(use May179024) Robotech #1 Cvr D Dialynas | $3.99 |
(use May179024) Robotech #1 Cvr E Waltrip Bros Retro Var | $3.99 |
Ab Irato #4 (of 6) | $3.99 |
Adventure Time Regular Show #1 Main & Mix | $3.99 |
Adventure Time Regular Show #1 Subscription Corona Var | $3.99 |
All Time Comics Blind Justice #1 (Mature) | $3.99 |
Alters #6 (Mature) | $3.99 |
Amory Wars Good Apollo #5 (of 12) (Mature) | $3.99 |
Archie Funhouse Back To School Annual Digest #27 (res) | $5.99 |
Art Of Titanfall (Hard Back) Vol 02 | $39.95 |
Ash Vs Aod #1 Haeser Remark Ed | $89.99 |
Ash Vs Aod #2 Cvr A Schoonover | $3.99 |
Ash Vs Aod #2 Cvr B Vargas | $3.99 |
Ash Vs Aod #2 Cvr C Qualano | $3.99 |
Assassination Classroom Gn Vol 17 | $9.99 |
Assassins Creed Uprising #6 Cvr A Holder | $3.99 |
Assassins Creed Uprising #6 Cvr B Glass | $3.99 |
Assassins Creed Uprising #6 Cvr C Aggs | $3.99 |
Assassins Creed Uprising Tp | $16.99 |
At The Movies #3 Cars 3 | $4.99 |
Attack On Titan Gn Vol 22 | $10.99 |
Barbie Gn Vol 02 Big Dreams Best Friends (res) | $7.99 |
Behind The Scenes Gn Vol 04 | $9.99 |
Belladonna #1 Reward Cvr (Mature) | $6.99 |
Belladonna #1 Reward Nude Cvr (Mature) | $9.99 |
Black Clover Gn Vol 08 | $9.99 |
Bleach 3in1 (TPB) Vol 20 | $14.99 |
Bounty And Navarro Tales Of The Old West Gn | $14.99 |
Broken Moon Legends O/t Deep #6 (of 6) (res) | $3.99 |
Catalyst Prime Noble #4 | $3.99 |
Dark Souls Legends O/t Flame Tp | $16.99 |
Dead Of Winter #1 | $3.99 |
Dead Of Winter #1 Henderson Var | $3.99 |
Df Batman The Shadow #1 Batman Sketch Haeser | $89.99 |
Df Batman The Shadow #1 Shadow Sketch Haeser | $89.99 |
Df Batwoman Rebirth #1 Ltd Silver Tynion Sgn | $56.00 |
Df Walking Dead #144 Remark Zombie Sketch Haeser | $69.99 |
Df Walking Dead #150 Gaudiano Sgn & Remark | $150.00 |
Df Walking Dead #163 Daryl Sketch Haeser | $89.99 |
Df Walking Dead #163 Zombie Sketch Haeser Sgn | $69.99 |
Doctor Who 10th Facing Fate (Hard Back) Vol 01 Breakfast At Tyrannys | $22.99 |
Education Gn | $30.00 |
Ember #0 Beautified Fame (Mature) | $9.99 |
Ember #0 Beautified Fame Nude (Mature) | $9.99 |
Ember #0 Beautified Fashion (Mature) | $9.99 |
Ember #0 Beautified Fashion Nude (Mature) | $9.99 |
Ember #0 Beautified Ignition (Mature) | $9.99 |
Ember #0 Beautified Ignition Nude (Mature) | $9.99 |
Ember #0 Beautified Inferno (Mature) | $9.99 |
Ember #0 Beautified Inferno Nude (Mature) | $9.99 |
End Of F$$$ing World Hc | $19.99 |
Fathom Killians Tide Tp | $12.99 |
Fetch How A Bad Dog Brought Me Home Gn | $17.95 |
Food Wars Shokugeki No Soma Gn Vol 19 | $9.99 |
Galaktikon #1 | $3.99 |
Gft Red Agent Human Order #9 Cvr A Silva (Mature) | $3.99 |
Gft Red Agent Human Order #9 Cvr B Diaz (Mature) | $3.99 |
Gft Red Agent Human Order #9 Cvr C Meguro (Mature) | $3.99 |
Gft Red Agent Human Order #9 Cvr D Goh (Mature) | $3.99 |
Giant Days #29 | $3.99 |
Grand Passion (TPB) (Mature) | $19.99 |
Greatest Adventure #4 Cvr A Nord | $3.99 |
Greatest Adventure #4 Cvr B Morales | $3.99 |
Greatest Adventure #4 Cvr C Castro | $3.99 |
Green Hornet 66 Meets Spirit #2 (of 5) Cvr A Templeton | $3.99 |
Green Hornet Omnibus (TPB) Vol 01 | $29.99 |
Grumpy Cat Garfield #1 (of 3) Cvr A Hirsch | $3.99 |
Grumpy Cat Garfield #1 (of 3) Cvr B Uy | $3.99 |
Grumpy Cat Garfield #1 (of 3) Cvr C Ruiz | $3.99 |
Grumpy Cat Garfield #1 (of 3) Cvr D Fleecs | $3.99 |
Grumpy Cat Garfield #1 (of 3) Cvr E Coloring Book | $3.99 |
Grumpy Cat Garfield #1 (of 3) Cvr F Murphy Comic Strip | $3.99 |
Grumpy Cat Garfield #1 (of 3) Cvr J Blank Authentix Ed | $10.00 |
Gulf War Journal (TPB) Vol 02 | $16.99 |
Haikyu Gn Vol 14 | $9.99 |
Hardy Boys Adventures Gn Vol 03 | $15.99 |
Heathen (TPB) Vol 01 | $15.99 |
Hellina Scythe #1 Bondage Cvr (Mature) | $9.99 |
Hellina Scythe #1 Bondage Nude Cvr (Mature) | $9.99 |
Hellina Scythe #1 Guardian Cvr (Mature) | $9.99 |
Hellina Scythe #1 Guardian Nude Cvr (Mature) | $9.99 |
Hellina Scythe #1 Vixen Cvr (Mature) | $9.99 |
Hellina Scythe #1 Vixen Nude Cvr (Mature) | $9.99 |
Hellina Scythe #2 Dominate Cvr (Mature) | $9.99 |
Hellina Scythe #2 Dominate Nude Cvr (Mature) | $9.99 |
Hillbilly #7 | $3.99 |
Hunters Of Salamanstra #5 Cvr A Main | $4.99 |
Hunters Of Salamanstra #5 Cvr B Joseco | $4.99 |
I Hear The Sunspot Gn | $12.95 |
Infinite Seven #5 Cvr A Mesa | $3.99 |
Infinite Seven #5 Cvr B Mesa | $3.99 |
Infinite Seven #5 Cvr C Dwonch | $3.99 |
Invader Zim (TPB) Vol 04 | $19.99 |
James Bond #6 Cvr A Reardon | $3.99 |
James Bond #6 Cvr B Masters | $3.99 |
James Bond #6 Cvr C Zircher | $3.99 |
Jazz Maynard #3 (Mature) | $3.99 |
Jim Henson Power Of Dark Crystal #1 (of 12) (2nd Ptg) Left V | $3.99 |
Jim Henson Power Of Dark Crystal #2 (of 12) (2nd Ptg) Right | $3.99 |
Johnny Hazard Dailies (Hard Back) Vol 05 1951 – 1952 | $50.00 |
Jojos Bizarre Adv Stardust Crusaders (Hard Back) Vol 04 | $19.99 |
Jungle Fantasy Annual 2017 Beautified Fauna Nude Cvr (Mature) | $9.99 |
Jungle Fantasy Annual 2017 Beautified Ivory Cvr (Mature) | $9.99 |
Jungle Fantasy Annual 2017 Beautified Vixens Cvr (Mature) | $9.99 |
Jungle Fantasy Annual 2017 Waterfalls Cvr (Mature) | $9.99 |
Jungle Fantasy Annual 2017 Waterfalls Nude Cvr (Mature) | $9.99 |
Jungle Fantasy Ivory #2 Huntress Cvr (Mature) | $9.99 |
Jungle Fantasy Ivory #2 Huntress Nude Cvr (Mature) | $9.99 |
Jungle Fantasy Survivors #2 Bondage (Mature) | $9.99 |
Jungle Fantasy Survivors #2 Bondage Nude (Mature) | $9.99 |
Jungle Fantasy Survivors #3 (Mature) | $5.99 |
Jungle Fantasy Survivors #3 Bikini Babes Cvr (Mature) | $5.99 |
Jungle Fantasy Survivors #3 Bikini Babes Nude Cvr (Mature) | $7.99 |
Jungle Fantasy Survivors #3 Head Hunters Cvr (Mature) | $7.99 |
Jungle Fantasy Survivors #3 Head Hunters Moonlight Cvr (Mature) | $7.99 |
Jungle Fantasy Survivors #3 Head Hunters Nude Cvr (Mature) | $9.99 |
Jungle Fantasy Survivors #3 Head Hunters Topless Cvr (Mature) | $9.99 |
Jungle Fantasy Survivors #3 Lucious Cvr (Mature) | $5.99 |
Jungle Fantasy Survivors #3 Lucious Nude Cvr (Mature) | $7.99 |
Jungle Fantasy Survivors #3 Natural Beauty Cvr (Mature) | $5.99 |
Jungle Fantasy Survivors #3 Natural Beauty Nude Cvr (Mature) | $7.99 |
Jungle Fantasy Survivors #3 Nude Cvr (Mature) | $7.99 |
Jungle Fantasy Survivors #3 Sultry Cvr (Mature) | $5.99 |
Jungle Fantasy Survivors #3 Sultry Nude Cvr (Mature) | $7.99 |
Jungle Fantasy Survivors #3 Wrap Cvr (Mature) | $5.99 |
Jungle Fantasy Survivors #3 Wrap Nude Cvr (Mature) | $7.99 |
Kaze Hikaru Gn Vol 25 | $9.99 |
Kiss #10 (of 10) Cvr A Strahm | $3.99 |
Kiss #10 (of 10) Cvr B Baal | $3.99 |
Kiss #10 (of 10) Cvr C Photo | $3.99 |
Knights Of The Dinner Table #245 | $5.99 |
Kuroko Basketball 2in1 (TPB) Vol 07 | $16.99 |
Lady Death Zodiac #1 Ltd Sgn Raw Ed (Mature) | $25.00 |
Larks Killer #1 (of 7) Cvr A Bartel | $3.99 |
Larks Killer #1 (of 7) Cvr B Dos Santos | $3.99 |
Larks Killer #1 (of 7) Cvr C Ganucheau | $3.99 |
Larks Killer #1 (of 7) Cvr D Smith | $3.99 |
Legendlore Realm Chronicles (TPB) Vol 02 Kill The Darklord | $16.99 |
Little Guardians #4 | $3.99 |
Love & Rockets Magazine #3 (Mature) | $4.99 |
Lyrical Comics Of Dillies Collection Hc | $49.99 |
Maid Sama 2in1 (TPB) Vol 09 | $14.99 |
Marry Me #7 Cvr A Main | $3.99 |
Marry Me #7 Cvr B Mokhtar | $3.99 |
Marvel Comics Digest #2 The Avengers | $6.99 |
Mech Cadet Yu #1 (of 4) Cvr A Main Miyazawa | $3.99 |
Mech Cadet Yu #1 (of 4) Cvr B Subscription To Connecting Var | $3.99 |
Mech Cadet Yu #1 (of 4) Cvr C Doe Homage Var | $3.99 |
Mech Cadet Yu #1 (of 4) Foc Incv Liew Var | $3.99 |
Miss Kobayashis Dragon Maid Gn Vol 04 | $12.99 |
My Hero Academia Gn Vol 09 | $9.99 |
Not Lives Gn Vol 06 | $12.99 |
One Piece Gn Vol 83 | $9.99 |
Otherworld Barbara (Hard Back) Vol 02 (Mature) | $39.99 |
Phantom President Kennedys Mission #1 Reg Brooks Cvr | $3.99 |
Phantom President Kennedys Mission #1 Var Cvr A Sean Joyce | $3.99 |
Phantom President Kennedys Mission #1 Var Cvr B Sean Joyce | $3.99 |
Platinum End Gn Vol 03 (Mature) | $9.99 |
Plume (Hard Back) Vol 01 | $29.99 |
Plume (Hard Back) Vol 02 | $29.99 |
Plume (Hard Back) Vol 03 | $29.99 |
Poe Stories And Poems (Hard Back) Gn | $22.00 |
Poe Stories And Poems Sc Gn | $14.00 |
Robotech #1 Cosplay Var | $3.99 |
Robyn Hood The Hunt #1 Cvr A Chen | $3.99 |
Robyn Hood The Hunt #1 Cvr B Riveiro | $3.99 |
Robyn Hood The Hunt #1 Cvr C Meguro | $3.99 |
Robyn Hood The Hunt #1 Cvr D Lilly | $3.99 |
Servamp Gn Vol 10 | $12.99 |
She And Her Cat Gn | $12.95 |
Slam (TPB) Vol 01 | $14.99 |
Slasher #3 (Mature) | $4.99 |
So Cute It Hurts Gn Vol 14 (Mature) | $9.99 |
Spencer & Locke (TPB) Vol 01 | $14.99 |
Spiritus #1 (of 5) | $3.99 |
Stained #4 (of 5) Cvr A Morris | $3.99 |
Stan Lee Chakra Mystery Of Mighty Girl #3 (of 6) | $2.99 |
Star Trek Gn Coll #11 Tng Intelligence Gathering | $17.95 |
Star Wars On The Front Lines Hc | $50.00 |
Story Of Lee Collection Sc | $19.99 |
Street Fighter Swimsuit Special 2017 Cvr D Blank Sketch | $4.99 |
Swordquest #2 Cvr A Montes | $3.99 |
Swordquest #2 Cvr B Perez | $3.99 |
Swordquest #2 Cvr C Rubi | $3.99 |
Tank Tankuro (Hard Back) With Slipcase | $29.95 |
The Inspector #1 Retro Animation Remarqued Sketch Cvr | $19.99 |
Tomboy (TPB) Vol 03 No Absolution | $14.99 |
Torchwood Station Zero Tp | $16.99 |
Toriko Gn Vol 39 | $9.99 |
Turok #1 Cvr A Lopresti | $3.99 |
Turok #1 Cvr B Conley | $3.99 |
Turok #1 Cvr C Sarraseca | $3.99 |
Turok #1 Cvr D Belanger | $3.99 |
Unholy #1 Argent Cvr (Mature) | $9.99 |
Unholy #1 Argent Nude Cvr (Mature) | $9.99 |
Unholy #1 Rhapsody Cvr (Mature) | $9.99 |
Unholy #1 Rhapsody Nude Cvr (Mature) | $9.99 |
Unholy #2 Selfie Nude Cvr (Mature) | $9.99 |
Unholy #2 Selfie Cvr (Mature) | $9.99 |
Unholy #5 (Mature) | $5.99 |
Unholy #5 Femme Fatale Nude Cvr (Mature) | $7.99 |
Unholy #5 Femme Fatales Cvr (Mature) | $5.99 |
Unholy #5 Nude Cvr (Mature) | $7.99 |
Unholy #5 Pov Cvr (Mature) | $5.99 |
Unholy #5 Pov Nude Cvr (Mature) | $7.99 |
Unholy #5 Stunning Cvr (Mature) | $5.99 |
Unholy #5 Stunning Nude Cvr (Mature) | $7.99 |
Unholy #5 Wrap Cvr (Mature) | $5.99 |
Unholy #5 Wrap Nude Cvr (Mature) | $7.99 |
Untamed Ii #4 (of 4) Cvr A Bergting | $3.99 |
Untamed Ii #4 (of 4) Cvr B Lee | $3.99 |
Vampire Knight Memories Gn Vol 01 | $9.99 |
War Of The Independents #4 | $3.99 |
Wendy Project Gn | $12.99 |
Woods #34 | $3.99 |
World Reader #5 | $3.99 |
Wwe Ongoing (TPB) Vol 01 | $19.99 |
X-o Manowar Dlx (Hard Back) Vol 05 | $39.99 |
Yona Of The Dawn Gn Vol 07 | $9.99 |
Yu Gi Oh 3in1 (TPB) Vol 11 | $14.99 |
Zombie Tramp Origins #2 Cvr A Mendoza (Mature) | $4.99 |
Zombie Tramp Origins #2 Cvr B Mendoza Risque (Mature) | $4.99 |
Zombie Tramp Origins #2 Cvr C Sexy (Mature) | $4.99 |
Zombie Tramp Origins #2 Cvr D Sexy Risque (Mature) | $4.99 |
Zombie Tramp Origins #2 Cvr E Gory (Mature) | $4.99 |
Zombie Tramp Origins #2 Cvr F Risque Gory (Mature) | $4.99 |
Zombie Tramp Origins #2 Cvr G Replica (Mature) | $4.99 |
Monster Bash Magazine #30 | $8.99 |
Babes In Arms Women In Comics During 2nd World War | $60.00 |
Color Of Pixar Hc | $29.95 |
Considering Watchmen Sc Revised Ed | $29.95 |
Ec Joe Orlando & Al Feldstein Thing From Grave Hc | $29.99 |
Grimgar Of Fantasy & Ash Light Novel Vol 02 | $13.99 |
Kinky Super Beauties (Hard Back) (Mature) | $44.99 |
Lego Dc Comics Super Heroes Build Your Own Adventure Hc | $24.99 |
Lego Nexo Knights Build Your Own Adventure | $24.99 |
Mikagura School Suite Light Novel #1 | $12.95 |
Nirvana Gn Vol 01 | $12.99 |
Private Nudes (Hard Back) (Mature) | $34.99 |
Star Wars Super Graphic Visual Guide To Galaxy Sc | $19.95 |
Star Wars The Rise Of A Hero Hc | $10.99 |
To Laugh We May Not Weep (Hard Back) Life & Art Of Art Young | $49.99 |
Twelve-cent Archie Sc Revised Ed | $29.95 |
Wonder Woman Bondage Feminism In Comics 1941-48 Sc Revised ( | $29.95 |
1966 Batman Riddler Model Kit | $34.99 |
Alien Predator Fig Coll #12 Johner From Alien Resurrection ( | $29.95 |
Alien Predator Fig Coll #13 Hunter Predator From Predator 2 | $29.95 |
Arrow 2018 Wall Calendar | $14.99 |
Bad Brains H.r. Statuette | $50.00 |
Barks Groot Beer T/s Ladies Lg | $21.99 |
Barks Groot Beer T/s Ladies Med | $21.99 |
Barks Groot Beer T/s Ladies Sm | $21.99 |
Barks Groot Beer T/s Ladies Xl | $21.99 |
Barks Groot Beer T/s Ladies Xxl | $23.99 |
Barks Groot Beer T/s Lg | $21.99 |
Barks Groot Beer T/s Med | $21.99 |
Barks Groot Beer T/s Sm | $21.99 |
Barks Groot Beer T/s Xl | $21.99 |
Barks Groot Beer T/s Xxl | $23.99 |
Barks Groot Beer T/s Xxxl | $24.99 |
Batman 16 Month 2018 Wall Cal | $14.99 |
Batman 1966 1/6 Scale Joker Maquette | $249.99 |
Battleship Retro Game Cs | $22.99 |
Blue Rose Narrator Kit | $19.95 |
Brave Yoshihiko Yoshihiko Figma | $90.99 |
Bvs Batplane 1/25 Scale Model Kit | $99.99 |
Comic Shop News 90ct Bundle #1572 | $pi |
Dc Comics Coll Ed 2018 Calendar | $19.99 |
Dc Comics Wonder Woman 8in Plush | $19.99 |
Dc Legends Of Tomorrow 2018 Wall Calendar | $14.99 |
Dc Superhero Best Of Fig Coll Mag #34 Spectre | $17.95 |
Dc Superhero Best Of Fig Coll Mag #35 John Constantine | $17.95 |
Dc Superhero Best Of Fig Coll Mag #36 Black Adam | $17.95 |
Dc Superhero Best Of Fig Coll Mag #37 Captain Cold | $17.95 |
Dc Superhero Girls 2018 Wall Calendar | $14.99 |
Demon Cults Secret Societies For 5th Edition Hc | $39.99 |
Demon Cults Secret Societies For Pathfinder Sc | $34.99 |
Devilman Variable Action Hero Pvc Fig Nirosawa 2016 Oc Ver ( | $143.99 |
Digimon Tamers Leomon & Kato Juri Gem Pvc Fig | $155.99 |
Disney Traditions Chip & Dale In Pumpkin Fig | $60.00 |
Disney Traditions Mickey & Minnie Candy Corn Fig | $50.00 |
Disney Traditions Nbx Nightmare Storybook Fig | $70.00 |
Disney Traditions Tinker Bell Halloween Fig | $48.00 |
Dragons Crown Elf Excellent Model Pvc Statue | $198.99 |
Dramatical Murder Mink Nendoroid | $54.99 |
Drifters Toyoshisa Shimazu Pvc Fig (res) | $99.99 |
Fear The Walking Dead 2018 Wall Calendar | $14.99 |
Ff Series Mini Plush Ffvii Cloud Strife | $19.99 |
Frank Frazetta Death Dealer Plastic Model Kit | $69.99 |
Game Of Thrones House Targaryen 4 Coin Set | $30.00 |
God Eater 2 Alisa Illinichina Amiella 1/4 Pvc Fig Bunny Ver | $238.99 |
God Eater 2 Ciel Alencon 1/4 Pvc Fig Bunny Ver | $238.99 |
Got Valar Morghulis Coin Necklace | $20.00 |
Gotham 2018 Wall Calendar | $14.99 |
Gund Totoro White 5in Totoro Plush | $13.00 |
Gundam Ibo Dantalion Hg 1/144 Mdl Kit | $18.00 |
Harley Quinn 2018 (movie) Wall Calendar | $14.99 |
Hellraiser Iii Pinhead 6in Stylized Roto Fig | $29.99 |
Hgpg 1/144 Chara G Guy Fumina Build Fighters 1/144 Mdl Kit ( | $10.00 |
Hgpg 1/144 Chara G Guy Gyanko Build Fighters 1/144 Mdl Kit ( | $10.00 |
Hgpg 1/144 Petit G Guy Surfacegrey & Placard Mdl Kit (net) ( | $7.00 |
History Of Marvel Comics 2018 Boxed Calendar | $14.99 |
Idolmaster Cg Arisu Tachibana 1/8 Pvc Fig First Expression ( | $174.99 |
Infinite Stratos Laura & Charlotte 1/7 Pvc Fig Pjs Ver (Mature) | $205.99 |
Justice League Classic 2018 Wall Calendar | $14.99 |
Justice League Movie 2018 Wall Cal | $14.99 |
Justice League Movie Oversized 2018 Wall Cal | $16.99 |
Kancolle Kiso Nendoroid | $68.99 |
Kancolle Prinz Eugen 1/8 Pvc Fig | $175.99 |
Kingdom Hearts 2018 Wall Cal | $14.99 |
Kingdom Hearts Keyblade Fenrir Keychain (feb178613) | $19.99 |
Kingdom Hearts Keyblade Ultima Weapon Keychain (feb178614) ( | $19.99 |
Legend Of Zelda 2018 16 Month Wall Cal | $14.99 |
Living Dead Dolls Scary Tales Beauty & The Beast 2pk Cs | $60.00 |
Lord Of The Rings Middle Earth 5 Coin Set 1 | $40.00 |
Love To Hate Comics Card Game Exp | $12.95 |
Marvel Avengers 16 Month 2018 Wall Cal | $13.99 |
Marvel Comics Retro 16 Month 2018 Wall Calendar | $14.99 |
Marvel Deadpool Lunch Box | $18.99 |
Marvel Fact Files #179 | $6.50 |
Marvel Fact Files #180 | $6.50 |
Marvel Fact Files #181 | $6.50 |
Marvel Fact Files #182 | $6.50 |
Mmpr Legacy Red Ranger Power Sword (net) | $75.00 |
My Little Pony Coll Story Pack Asst 201703 | $3.99 |
My Little Pony Mystery Pony Bmb Dis 201701 | $2.99 |
Naruto Namikaze Minato Gem Pvc Fig | $155.99 |
Naruto Shippuden Naruto & Sasuke Gem Pvc Fig | $134.99 |
New Frontier Batman 5.5in Bendable Figure | $8.99 |
New Frontier Flash 5.5in Bendable Figure | $8.99 |
New Frontier Green Lantern 5.5in Bendable Figure | $8.99 |
New Frontier Joker 5.5in Bendable Figure | $8.99 |
New Frontier Superman 5.5in Bendable Figure | $8.99 |
New Frontier Wonder Woman 5.5in Bendable Figure | $8.99 |
Nintendo Gameboy Insulated Lunch Box | $18.99 |
Nintendo Mario & Friends Figure Hangers 20pc Bmb Ds | $6.99 |
Nintendo Mario Kart Figure Hangers 20pc Bmb Ds | $6.99 |
Nyanboard Bicolor Trading Strap 10pc Dis | $9.99 |
One Piece Pop Soc Zoro Pvc Fig | $143.99 |
Pathfinder Adv Path Ironfang Invasion Part 6 Of 6 | $24.99 |
Pathfinder Campaign Setting Ironfang Poster Map Folio | $19.99 |
Pathfinder Flip Mat Arcane Library | $14.99 |
Pathfinder Pawns Heroes And Villains Pawn Collection | $24.99 |
Pathfinder Player Companion Blood Of The Sea Sc | $14.99 |
Play-doh Super Tools 12ct Asst | $2.99 |
Pop Dc Batman 66 Riddler Vinyl Fig | $10.99 |
Pop My Hero Academia Ochaco Vinyl Fig | $10.99 |
Pop Nick Tv Aaahh Real Monsters Ickis Vinyl Fig | $10.99 |
Pop Nick Tv Catdog Vinyl Fig | $10.99 |
Pop Nick Tv Rugrats Tommy Pickles Vinyl Fig | $10.99 |
Red Sonja Low Cut Socks 3pk | $6.99 |
Sailor Moon Petit Chara Sailor Moon Fig Dark Kingdom Ver | $88.99 |
Shield & Hydra Symbol Px Split Side Snap Back Cap | $27.99 |
Sidereal Confluence Trading Negotiation Board Game | $64.99 |
Space Battleship Yamato 2202 Dreadnought 1/1000 Mdl Kit (net | $50.00 |
Spider-man 6in Legends Af Asst 201702 | $22.99 |
Spider-man Homecoming 2018 Wall Cal | $14.99 |
Spider-man Spider Bot Stunt Drone (dec168356) | $pi |
Star Wars Saga 2018 Wall Cal | $14.99 |
Star Wars Saga Coll Ed 2018 Calendar | $19.99 |
Suicide Squad 2018 Wall Calendar | $14.99 |
Suicide Squad Joker Maf Ex Suits Ver | $59.99 |
Supergirl 2018 Wall Calendar | $14.99 |
Sw Black 3-3/4in Asst 201701 | $13.99 |
Sw Black 3-3/4in Asst 201702 | $13.99 |
Sw Black Series 6in Af Asst 201703 | $22.99 |
Sw Galactic Heroes Af Asst 201701 | $5.99 |
Sw Galactic Heroes At-at Fortress Cs | $31.99 |
Sw Galactic Heroes Dlx Af Asst 201701 | $10.99 |
Sw Galactic Heroes Dlx Af Asst 201702 | $10.99 |
Sw Galactic Heroes Millennium Falcon Cs | $49.99 |
Sw Galactic Heroes Rivals Af Set Cs | $31.99 |
Table Museum The Scream | $67.99 |
Tervis Dc Wonder Woman 16oz Tumbler W/ Lid | $18.99 |
Tervis Dc Wonder Woman Mug W/ Lid | $15.99 |
Tervis Star Wars Logo 16oz Tumbler W/ Lid B&w Ver | $18.99 |
Tervis Star Wars Logo 24oz Tumbler W/ Lid B&w Ver | $23.99 |
Thundercats 14in Mega-scale Lion-o Deluxe Af | $44.99 |
Thundercats 14in Mega-scale Mumm-ra Glow In The Dark Ed Af ( | $44.99 |
To Love-ru Darkness Momo Belia Deviluke Pvc Fig Bunny Ver (c | $249.99 |
Train Heist Board Game | $45.00 |
Trick Or Treat Sam 6in Stylized Roto Fig | $24.99 |
Ultraman Mecha Coll Magma Riser Mdl Kit | $7.00 |
Wonder Woman Movie 2018 Wall Cal | $14.99 |
Wonder Woman Movie 23in Shield Costume Prop | $24.99 |
Yoru No Nai Kuni Arnas 1/8 Pvc Fig | $214.99 |
Yu Gi Oh Tcg Starer Deck Link Strike Dis | $9.99 |
Posted by Adi Mursec on July 27, 2017
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