Kitty Pryde returns for X-men Days of Future Past

This is the first picture of Ellen Page as Kitty Pryde in her X-men Days of Future Past costume. It comes to us thanks to Director Bryan Singers Twitter account.

This is just one of the many pictures joining the likes of Halle Berry as Storm. Considering this is both the sequel to X-Men First Class and a Prequel to the previous X-men movies it’s amazing to think they have been able to put such an epic cast together.

It’s a comic book fans dream movie and by putting these actors together and joining the two X-men movie franchises is something we have never seen before. The Avengers was impressive putting several comic book hero franchises together but to put the two huge X-men casts together is something fans wouldn’t even have started rumors about a few years ago.

This year it looks like Superman is going to take the spot light for comic book movies but next year X-men Days of Future Past is going to dominate the world wide cinema world and going to make it hard for any comic book movie to follow. Even if WB managed to make a Superman/Batman movie out of the Bale/Cavill movies it would be hard to top this.

Posted by Adi Mursec on May 7, 2013


X-Men: Apocalypse review

A review of X-men Apocalypse probably the best comic book movie of 2016. Bryan Singer has been making these movies so long he makes it look easy.

Final X-Men: Apocalypse trailer

The final HD trailer for X-Men Apocalypse has been released. Beware it shows off some amazing scenes from the movie along with a lot of the story.

X-Men Apocalypse Trailer

The first full trailer for Bryan Singers X-Men Apocalypse, the first in the time travel rebooted X-men universe

Picture of Jubilee In X-Men Apocalypse

The first picture of Lana Condor as Jubilee in the 2016 X-Men Apocalypse movie has surfaced online and the costume looks just like the comics

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